Friday, December 19, 2008

Ways to Tie a Survivor Buff

After the season #17 of Survivor: Gabon ended last Friday, I was left not only amazed by Bob's magical immunity challenge wins, it was also interesting to see how individuals use their creativity to use the Survivor buff.

The most common way is probably to use it as a head or chest bandera which can double up as a sweat band or a tube. But good old Bob, the Physics Teacher became the first in Survivor history used it as a bow tie for almost the entire 39 days on Gabon. Maybe that is how he created a respectable and gentlemanly image for himself on the show. And he really did have these traits and hence why so many fans, including me, love his fatherly image!

If I am a Survivor? I will make it into a long scarf over my neck and create a fashion statement on CBS TV. And then, I will probably die of extreme heat stroke first before winning anything. Haha...!

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