Saturday, October 18, 2008

A Good Start

After the first week of teaching, I discovered that I can have several names with the 6th option most popular:

1) Ms Lilian
2) Mrs Lilian
3) Mrs Huang
4) Mdm Huang
5) Teacher
6) Cher (short-form for Teacher)

And I DO NOT forgive those students who call me Mrs Lilian, Mrs Huang, Mdm Huang because I already told them I am Ms Lilian Huang!!! Oh well.. ok they are students after all, so I shall give them another week to get use to my name =)

Contrary to popular belief, the year 1 students I am taking for CL1310 are rather quiet and attentive. How lucky. They are also receptive to the classroom expectation that I gave them and often respond positively. Their noise level was also generally acceptable such that I do not have to raise my voice too much. What a good start!

But the real show has not started yet. With the commencing of practical experiments next week, I hope no one burn down the lab or concoct any explosive mixture with the variety of chemicals available in the laboratory. ~Amitaba~

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