Tuesday, August 4, 2009
I am Positive
I fell terribly ill last Thursday, finding myself at 39.2 degC at one point in time. The clinic at AMK Ave 4 did not help me much.On Friday, I cant get out of bed, due to a bad low back sprain. I had to half limped half walked to NUH where I received two painful painkiller jabs and was placed on 3 packets of drip. I had both my chest and lower back x rayed and blood tested. I have not had so many things happened to me in just one day for a long time.
On Sunday, my fever did not subside.Visiting my GP at Margaret Drive led me to do a throat swap for H1N1. I was given more cough, phlegm and fever medicine and was given another 4 days of MC.
Today, the GP called me to confirm that I am H1N1 positive and I need to quarantine myself until 11th Aug. Already been locked up in my small room for the past 5 days, this news is really cruel. I have not finished my lectures, tutorials and revision. I had missed my gown fitting at Sophia's. I missed the JC gathering with Joyce who just returned from Dubai.
I am going crazy soon.
The worse thing is I have to ensure I keep the virus within me and my small room. My parents belong to the H1N1 high risk group and I cannot afford to let them fall ill.
I need to learn to live like a lone ranger. Learning to have my own personal cup, bowl, plate and cutlery. Having my face mask on at all times. My own tissue box and rubbish bin. My own thermometer. My own toilet. No TV for another 7 days.
This is terrible. Glad that I still have facebook and youtube to keep me alive.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
I read three stories, "The Ugly Duckling", "Rapunzel" and "The Enormous Turnip". It could have been more if not because I was too tired to read more. Story-reading, contrary to common beliefs, IS tiring.

Securing the Date
While Carlton Hotel remains as the best choice in terms number of tables, location, food, pillarless ballroom with high ceiling and reasonable rates, their service irked us to such an extend that we decided to give up with them. All their perks which was thrown in were all not reflected in the contract. Furthermore, their verbal promises twisted and turned at the time of contract signing. One word. Ridiculous.
Marina Mandarin Hotel became our immediate backup plan. This was despite the fact that it was not even in our original hotel list of considerations, primarily due to the minimum number of tables to meet. Nevertheless, besides the "not-so-high" ceiling and a minimum of 35 tables to fulfil, everything seemed perfect about them. They can even provide us with a solemnisation venue despite that the solemnisation date is a day before the banquet. The forum also raved off their food, service and excellent efficiency. I guess this is really a blessing in disguise.
Have not signed the contract yet, but if nothing goes wrong, we should be announcing the date of the big day in 2 weeks time =)
Sunday, May 3, 2009
The Real Meaning of a Race

4. Beijing, China - Never give up, even if it is your greatest fear
College athletes Kisha and Jen fear for nothing but water. Unfortunately one of the detour for the China leg is to choose a task from "Swim" or "Sync". Jen broke down as she could not overcome her fear for the waters and was unable to finish neither tasks. Imagine performing a task which is your greatest phobia..Kudos to Jen.

5. Translyvania, Romania - Pick yourself up, where you fall
Good looking lawyer Victor led her sister Tammy on a wild goose chase in the woods looking for coffins, only to realise that they have been following the wrong arrow directions (white red arrows instead of the official yellow red arrows of The Amazing Race). This should be the first and last time viewers see Victor broke down and cried, before regaining composure to end up at second last place, after skydiving down from the first position.

I had always loved geography back in school, even though I seldom travel. But the amount of knowldege you learn when travelling in a trip, is limitless and invaluable. In fact, I don't think any of the team will regreat this journey even if they did not finally win the race.
Seriously, I cannot wait for Episode 11 to be screened tomorrow at 830pm.
Little Mr and Ms Bump

Saturday, May 2, 2009
Keep On Improving
That was why I arrived at 730am on 20th April, a far cry from the usual 845am. Lecture is suppose to start at 8am, and a considerable amount of preparation is needed, even though I had physically went through the syllabus the week before.
I arrived at LTQ2 20min before the official class starts at 8am. Pleasantly surprised, there are already many students waiting outside the LT. I saw one of my mentees sitting quietly in a corner bench. She did not attend orientation but I recognise her from my photo class list. I said hi to her and made my way to LTQ2.
Taking in a deep breath, and looking at the 90 empty seats in front of me, I felt strangely excited. This is what I have been waiting for the last 9 months in NYP.
My first lecture session.
As the students streamed in, the excitement grew. Soon after excitement turned to anxiety as the projector screen failed on me! Can you imagine... First lesson on first day of school of Semester 1.
Nevertheless I maintained talking by introducing myself and the module Materials Science.... miraculously the projector screen came back at 830am. I lost 30min but managed to gain back my composure.
The rest of the lecture went well. I found out that it is not easy to deliver a good lecture. From voice control to creating humour, to clear explanations, these skills will only sharpen with time. Fortunately, this batch of Year 1 students seem much more diligent and attentive, compared to the previous batch, which makes the job of new lecturers like me easier to handle.
Like what I told my students " I hope you will continue to improve", I truly hope I will also keep on improving.

Sunday, March 15, 2009
A Night of Glitz & Glamour
We received rather encouraging turnout this year, with 86 students and 12 staffs signing up for the event. Although 3 students did not finally come, the whole event can be considered rather "successful"... The highlight of the event, in my opinion was the PEM class awards to their personal mentor where the students thank their lecturers for their hard work and care throughout their 3 years in NYP. It was sincere, warm, and full of emotions.
All thanks to staff of SCL(C) who contributed a whooping total amount of more than $1000 for all the game prizes, door gifts, lucky draw, and also subsidies for the student tickets. Kudos to organising committee students from SCL club students as well, great job!
Toasting session
Prom King & Queen
I hope the event will leave an imprint on the graduating students for a long time in their lives.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
My Dream Garden

Its Too Stiff

Sunday, February 15, 2009
Muffin Tops
I need to get rid of my muffin tops!!!
Of course, the picture below is not me, but due to months of sloth, my muffin tops are growing. I can still remember a year ago, I follow a strict regime to ensure my figure is kept in check:

2) Never sleep less than an hour after a meal
3) 30-50 upper and lower abdomen crunches every morning
4) Dumbell (2 kg) training twice a week
5) Bedtime stretched to tone side abdomen muscles
But I no longer do that now. Where has the health and exercise freak Lilian gone to? Nevertheless, in order to ensure I get the best figure for my bridal PS at the end of this year, I am giving myself 3 months to resume the above. Moreover, the bridal pictures are going to last me a lifetime.
The stakes are way too high to be lazy.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Hunt for BS - Part II

1. Actual Wedding Day
Wedding Gown - 1 set OTR (Latest Collection)
Evening Gown - 1 set OTR (Latest Collection)
Tea Dress (Cheong Sum) or KUA - 1 set OTR
Accessories for the Gown - 1 set
Gent's Suits - 2 sets OTR
Father's jackets - 2 sets OTR
Bridal Makeup & Hairdo (Morning and Evening)
Bridal Hand Bouquet (Fresh Flowers) and 6 Corsages
Bridal Car Decoration with Netting and Artificial Flowers
Decoration for following cars with ribbons (unlimited)
ROM dress - 1 set OTR
ROM Makeup & Hairdo
Hand Bouquet (Fresh Flowers)
Accessories for dress - 1 set
Gent's Suit - 1 set OTR
Bridal Gown - 4 sets (Can be different from the 2 sets above)
Accessories for the Gown - 1 set
Bridal Makeup and Hairdo including fake eyelashes and wig - 4 changes
Artificial flowers for Hairdo
Gent's suit - 2 sets
Gent's makeup and hairstyling
Indoor and Outdoor Photography - Unlimited locations
4. Momentos to Keep
50 poses with Digital Album and Hot pressed seam (15' x 24') - 20 pages
50 poses with CD JPEG format (Duplicate of above)
24' x 30' Canvas Portrait - 1 piece with frame
8R Table top - 1 piece with frame
4R photos - 24pcs OR Thank You :Photo cards - 200 pcs with 2 poses
4R photos in mini album - 20pcs
Wedding Night Signature Book - 1 set
8R Anniversary Photo shot - 1 piece/ year

Sunday, February 1, 2009
Hunt for Bridal Studio (BS) - Part I

Sunday, January 11, 2009
Open Your Heart

Where Do I Begin?

Cover versions, something which artistes today edit classic songs from the past to something which adapts better in today's world. And for this song, I found at least 6 versions in imeem alone. Below are the two I liked most. The first one is the one used in the wedding videography and the original version recorded live in 1972. I hope Josh Groban will perform this song one day (like how the second one sounds!)
Where Do I Begin (Away Team Mix) - Shirley Bassey
(Where Do I Begin) Love Story - Tito Beltran
Thursday, January 1, 2009
To Own Our Night (2009)

For the first time in 4 years, I was back into the streets to countdown the new year! for the past 3 years, it had been a quiet affair on New Year's eve where a few close friends gather for food and drinks.
After unfruitful attempts to park at Marina Barrage, we were very lucky to find a perfect spot at MakanSutra Esplanande where we sat comfortably for about 2 hrs waiting for the fireworks to start. The place was far less crowded than the swamp of people waiting by the Esplanade Bay, where they sat on grass patches and concrete ground. We also have sufficient hawker food and drinks with us and so was not dehydrated like what happened during National Day. True enough, our territory was not packed with fire-works watchers even until the last min of 2008, and the view of the night sky was fabulous. I could sit 45 degrees inclined on my plastic chair and watch the sky like it belonged to me.
The fireworks was SPECTACULAR. Did not manage to take any photo because I did not want to miss any second of it. Not mentioning it is actually the first time I watch fireworks on a New Years Day too!
Happy New Year... Wish we will have a happy and healthy year ahead =)